Cake CuttingWhenever and wherever ACSians meet, it is not unusual for them to greet each other with “The Best Is Yet To Be” or to belt out spontaneously into the ACS Anthem, the two treasured takeaways from their beloved Alma Mater.

Another cherished recollection dear to their hearts of those who have passed through the portals of ACS is March 1, the auspicious day Bishop William F. Oldham founded the school in 1886.

Here’s a roundup of how ACS Founder’s Day was celebrated around the world this year.

Founder's Day Dinner in Singapore

Founder's Day Dinner in SingaporeBenjamin Franklin famously wrote in 1817, ‘in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes’. The exception to this rule is our Founder’s Day Dinner on March 1, which occurs year after year with clockwork regularity, when all ACSians gather to celebrate this special event.

Our Founder’s Day Dinner is more than a dinner. It is a family reunion. We have Old Boys, who have not seen each other for years, coming together for this event. We have students from our ACS schools, enjoying the company of their current schoolmates, and well aware that in the decades to come, they too will join the ranks of the Old Boys who congregate annually at the Founder’s Day Dinner.

Retired ACS teachers and current ACS teachers are also an integral part of this intricate tapestry. Our teachers impart the ACS values down the generations and are Founder's Day Dinner in Singaporethe reason the ACS spirit has thrived over the years. Another important group at the event comprised the biological families of current ACS students, who we always welcome and who were able to experience firsthand the strong bonds between members of the ACS family.

As has been our tradition, ACSians both past and present were involved in the smooth execution of this event. Our Master of Ceremony for the night was an Old Boy, Herbert Liu. Rev Leslie Quahe, another Old Boy, led us in saying Grace before dinner. Current ACSians from ACJC delivered two spectacular dance items and student councillors from ACJC helped immeasurably in providing logistic support for the evening.

The feeling of family and solidarity was summed by the rendition of our beloved ACS anthem that evening. May ‘the regions round echo the sound of ACS forever’.

Wong Heng Yu
ACSOBA Management Committee

Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore
Our Present
Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore
Our Past
Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore
ACSians in Service
Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore
More ACSians in Service
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ACSian Theatre in Action
Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore
ACS Forever!
Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore  Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore  Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore 
Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore  Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore  Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore 
Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore  Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore  Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore 
Click for more Founder's Day Celebrations Around The World
  Auckland, New Zealand    Claremont,  California, USA  Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore 
  Brisbane, Australia   London, United Kingdom    Past vs Present Games 2019
  Melbourne, Australia   Jakarta, Indonesia   Founder's Day Celebrations of Sorts 
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