Cake CuttingWhenever and wherever ACSians meet, it is not unusual for them to greet each other with “The Best Is Yet To Be” or to belt out spontaneously into the ACS Anthem, the two treasured takeaways from their beloved Alma Mater.

Another cherished recollection dear to their hearts of those who have passed through the portals of ACS is March 1, the auspicious day Bishop William F. Oldham founded the school in 1886.

Here’s a roundup of how ACS Founder’s Day was celebrated around the world this year.

Melbourne, Victoria,  Australia

Founder's Day in MelbourneYes, indeed the sound of ACS echoed in Melbourne when ACS alumni members, some accompanied by their spouses, gathered at a Chinese restaurant on March 9 to celebrate the 133rd ACS Founder’s Day. Among those present were former ACS teachers, Dianne Fleggo and Merryl Blanch, who were Australian exchange students in ACS (Pre-U 1974) and the legendary Tan Sri Dr M Jegathesan (Pre-U II Class of 1961).

The evening kicked off with a PowerPoint presentation of achievements by ACSians in the past 12 months by Dr Alvin Chong (Class of 1985). The Founder's Day in Melbourneaccomplishments of the likes of Toh Wei Soong, Joseph Schooling and Dr Wee Teck Young were among those featured in the presentation. Then came the singing of the ACS Anthem, followed by a sumptuous 11-course dinner after Tan See Keng had said grace on our behalf.

Although celebrating in a distant shore from Singapore, we were not forgotten by alumni members in the land where we began. Lim Tat, President of the ACS OBA, sent his greetings which were read to us by Dr Sathisvaran Kay.

After dinner, speeches by Dr Ed Wee (Class of 2001) and Tan Sri Dr M Founder's Day in MelbourneJegathesan took us down memory lane to the special times we had as students in ACS.

As the evening drew to a close, the words of Lim Tat, in his Founder’s Day message rang out loud and true that:

    “The ACS experience is about shared memories, unbreakable bonds,
    familiar faces and treasured places” .... “we are privileged to
    have loyal Old Boys and Girls who keep the ACS Spirit alive and
    carry with us the culture and traditions of ACS

not only in Singapore but in other parts of the world, so that “the regions round echo the sound/Of ACS forever”.

Mrs Lee Gek Kim

Founder's Day in Melbourne Founder's Day in Melbourne
Founder's Day in Melbourne Founder's Day in Melbourne
Click for more Founder's Day Celebrations Around The World
  Auckland, New Zealand    Claremont,  California, USA  Founder's Day Dinner, Singapore 
  Brisbane, Australia   London, United Kingdom    Past vs Present Games 2019
  Melbourne, Australia   Jakarta, Indonesia   Founder's Day Celebrations of Sorts 
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