ACS (Primary)

A Celebration of Enduring Legacy &
             Achievements at ACS (Primary)!


The celebrations at ACS (Primary) began with a fine parade display by the Boys Brigade and Scouts, and inspection by the Guest-of-Honour, Mr. Alexander Eu III Zai De. Everyone then made their way to the auditorium where our students were honoured for their academic excellence.

Our own ACS (Primary) boys treated our guests to wonderful performances, which included a dance item by the Rhythm 'n Sync Dance Club, a piano recital by Ryan Quek, and a violin performance by Shaun and Gabriel Ou.

Madam Chui Yuen Phun then did ACS (Primary) proud when she took the honour of being the first recipient of the ACS OBA Outstanding Teachers Award, which is in memory of the late Mr Sandy Eu.

Mr Alexander Eu III Zai De
inspecting the Boys’ Brigade.

Violin performance by Shaun and Gabriel Ou.

Dance performance by Rhythm 'n Sync Dance Club


Mdm Chui Yuen Phun receiving
the Outstanding Teacher Award

ACS (Junior)

Celebrating Excellence in Every Way!

Our Boys lending their voices.

ACS (Junior) celebrated ACS’s 120th birthday
in commemoration of God’s faithfulness to our
ACS Family. The Guest-of-Honour for the occasion was Associate Professor Simon Tay, Chairman of the National Environment Agency.

The outstanding students who achieved Gold, Silver and Bronze awards in the respective subjects of their Level, and those who made significant improvements in their Mother Tongue, were recognised at a presentation of academic awards.

Leonard Lee Wei Ming receiving The Oldham Award 2005 from Associate Professor Simon Tay, with our Principal, Mr. Peter Tan looking on.

Leonard earned the Award for his academic, sports and aesthetics excellence, and above all, for his fine leadership qualities.

The Founder’s Day Dinner committee also worked hand in hand with our Boys and Parent-Volunteers to share ACS (Junior)’s distinctiveness at Shangri-La Hotel.

ACS (Junior) truly celebrated excellence in every way!

Click below for more reports on the 120th ACS Founder's Day Celebrations:

ACJC Independent International Barker Road Primary Junior Oldham  Hall OBA Dinner ACNight UK'06


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