The ACSOBA hosted the 8th ONE ACS
Career Forum at ACS (Independent) for
the students, parents and alumni of the
ACS family and the Methodist schools in
Singapore on July 27. Organised by the
ACSOBA and sponsored by the ACS
Foundation (ACSF), the Forum is the
largest annual flagship ONE ACS event
that reaches out to all our local ACS units
and seeks to strengthen the bonds within
the ACS family.
ACSians past and present were joined by
students from our sister Methodist schools
at the Centre for Performing Arts 2 of ACS
(Independent) for the opening segment of
the Forum. In his opening address, Lim
Tat, the President of the ACS Old Boys’
Association acknowledged and thanked
the many ACSian alumni who had
volunteered their time to make the forum
possible and encouraged the students
to also heed the call to step forward and
help not just ACSians, but society as well.
One of the annual highlights of the Career
Forum is the C-Suite panel moderated by
Jonathan Yuen, Partner, Rajah and Tann
Singapore LLP. Our distinguished alumni
this year were Paul Tham, CEO, Keppel
REIT Management, and Lock Wai Han,
CEO OKH Global Ltd. The question and
answer session was enlivened by the
use of the Pigeonhole application which
enabled the audience to post questions
directly to the panellists and also vote
for questions. This resulted in a very
engaging and candid session where the
panellists shared their life and career
experiences and advice openly.
There were over 40 alumni speakers
and moderators across 15 professional
disciplines that included traditional
courses like Law, Medicine, Engineering,
Accountancy and Banking & Finance.
Disciplines such as Accounting
& M a n a g e m e n t C o n s u l t a n c y,
Entrepreneurship, Public Service, Media,
Nursing & Allied Healthcare and Digital
Innovation provided much diversity and
highlighted to participants the varied
pathways to successful and fulfilling
careers. The panels gave students and
parents a frank insight into the realities
of what each career entails as shared
by alumni members of that industry.
The sessions also allowed for audience
participation and both students and
parents engaged actively in dialogue
with alumni panellists. The sessions
on ‘Interview Skills’ and ‘Writing your
Personal Statement’ were also popular
with the event attendees.
Local tertiary institutions - NTU, NUS, SIT,
SMU, SUTD, and Yale-NUS were also
The One ACS Career Forum 2019
present to complement and enhance the
overall benefit of the Forum. Participants
were able to engage with representatives
from these institutions on topics such
as academic modules offered, career
options, and the criteria for different
careers, in addition to clarifying queries
on application procedures and selection
Feedback from the participants has been
most heartening. One student wrote, ‘The
experiences shared are things not easily
found online and come from the heart…
It was enlightening to know how to adapt
in this fast changing world.’ A parent
complimented that the speakers ‘shared
information which we can’t get elsewhere.
Personal opinion and experiences which
are valuable for the students to know.
Well done for an excellent forum.’ For
the speakers and moderators, this was a
special occasion to reconnect with friends
and renew ties with the ACS family.
The ACSOBA Management Committee
would like to thank the ACS Foundation for
its sponsorship of the event, the Principals
of the ACS schools for their support, the
ONE ACS Career Forum 2019 Planning
Committee, and in particular, our core
planning team including Juliana Tengara
from ACS (Independent) and members
of our own OBA Management Committee
and teacher and student volunteers for
their time and sacrifice in pulling off the
herculean task of planning and running
this event.
We wish to give special thanks to Arene
Koh, Principal of ACS (Independent)
for graciously hosting the event, and to
the amazing ACS (Independent) COG
team, staff and student leaders for the
logistical support. We also give thanks
for the unbreakable ties that make our
ACS family unique and for the ACS Spirit
that lives on through all of us who devote
our time, effort and resources to further
the ACS call to serve our alma mater. To
God Be The Glory, The Best Is Yet To Be!
Jonathan Yuen
ACSOBA Management Committee
Mr Lim Tat, ACSOBA President, addressing the
audience |
Parents & students listening intently to the
panel speakers |