It is amazing how ACS old boys stay in
close touch to continue friendships that
were developed since school days. Even
though separated by time and distance,
we always remain ‘connected’ in spirit
and behave as if it was only yesterday that
we left school whenever we meet after a
long lapse of time. This was exactly what
happened in Toronto, Canada recently
when my wife, Shirley and I caught up
with four former schoolmates who have
been living there for decades.
Over lunch with Leonard Lye, Vinodrai,
Choong Kian Choon and Denis Tay
Chuan Hock at the Pearl Harbourfront
Restaurant in Toronto, we recalled many
happy memories of our school days and
chatted away animatedly as if we were
back in school. Kian Choon brought
along an old boy scout photograph
which was the talking topic as we figured
out who’s who in the photo and where they
are now.
We thoroughly enjoyed the meeting with
our old school mates and we look forward
to more opportunities for such gatherings,
be it in Singapore or anywhere else in
the world.
Chris Chen
ACS Class of 60