The Class of 51 Awakes! |
The 90th Psalm, attributed to Moses is often
read at the end of the year or the beginning of
the next. In it, the reader is reminded that
“The days of our years are threescore years and
ten, and if by reason of strength they be
fourscore years” (Psalm 90:10).
So, when the 20 living members of the ACS Class of ’51 gathered for a sumptuous 7-course lunch at Por Kee Restaurant on 8 August, they humbly acknowledged that only a “strength” imparted divinely could have allowed them to breach Moses’ first (all) and second (nearly all) milestones. Also present at the lunch was our former teacher Mr Tan Boon Chiang.
The reunion luncheon alluded to above was not the first that the Class has had over the years. However, the last two lunches held a certain significance. Thus, the one on 8 August last year and on 8 August this year may respectively be considered the Class’ celebration of its Diamond Jubilee in prospect and retrospect.
Two octogenarians signed up for the lunch but were
unable to physically attend due to health complications. We all fully understand the meaning of vulnerability. So on 8 August 2012, it was “All’s well that ends well!” as the Class looks forward, in God’s will, to further reunions.
Dr Wong Wai Chow
We're ALIVE and WELL! |

Jubilee celebration on 8 August in 2011 |