Back to school in
our school uniforms!


Mrs Lee Gek Kim walking
down memory lane.


Mr Ong Ai Teik recalling
the good old days.


Mrs Lee Gek Kim

Reunion Dinner of the Class of 73/75

It was a superb turn out of more than 200 old boys and girls at the Reunion Dinner of the Class of 73/75 on 09 July 2005. The spirit of camaraderie permeated Oldham Hall in Barker Road, where the dinner was held, as fellow schoolmates, including a number flying in from Canada, the USA, the UK, Thailand and Vietnam, mingled with each other and with the teachers, and relived the good old school days.

ACS class reunions somehow seem to ignite the inimitable ACS Spirit, which was apparent when more than 90% of the cohorts sportingly turned up at the dinner in the ACS uniform. This took the organizers by surprise, who thought that the 80 ACS badges that they had bought for those expected to be in ACS uniform would be enough to go around. 

The programme lined up for the occasion was well organised and everyone, especially the guests, enjoyed the evening thoroughly. According to Mrs Lee Gek  Kim, who was the Secondary 4A class teacher in 1973, “It was indeed a memorable evening of fun, fellowship and entertainment. Looking at our hosts, the old boys and old girls, dressed in the ACS school uniform brought back many happy memories of them at ACS. Full marks to the organizers who did a marvelous job!”

In her short speech, Mrs Lee walked down memory lane as she recalled the happy times with the 73/75 cohorts. Although many of the Sec 4C boys gave her a challenging time in teaching, she said that it only spurred her to give of her best to them.

Another former teacher Mr Ong Ai Teik was full of praise for the 73/75 cohorts and admitted that back then in the 70s, he could never have imagined that so many in the audience would become so successful. He also recalled the privilege of working with a wonderful team of Secondary One teachers to wean boys from the primary schools. 30 years on, the ACS spirit lives on, and was very evident in the Hall, he concluded.

At all ACS class reunions, teachers usually take centre stage and are fondly remembered for their dedication and commitment that have made ACS such a great school. To show their appreciation, the Class of 73/75 raised about $30,000 for the ACS OBA Teachers & Staff Welfare Fund through an auction during the dinner.

Can't believe we're all here!


My goodness! You've grown!


Cheers! It's great to
be back in school!


Having a great time!


The auction that raised about $30,000 for the ACS OBA
Teachers' Welfare Fund.

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