It was sobering, though the wine and beer flowed freely. It was
inimitably ACS. It was stirring, especially when we sang the ACS
Anthem, full throat. I saw only one person with the printed-out
lyrics in his hand; and he wasn’t looking at it.
To think that one year after the formation of Malaysia which we
were part of, and one year before the existence of independent
Singapore, we first met in Primary One at Barker Road, in 1964.
Our teachers were Mrs Meng Im Retnam; Mrs Lucy Chong; Mrs
Gladys Wee; and Mrs Chew Beng Kim.
And now, 55 years later, we have reconvened. Sixty-seven of
us, including 10 friends from ACPS, and 10 coming just for this
event — from USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand
and Malaysia. In the annals of Class reunions at ACS, is a
Primary One Reunion unprecedented?
How did this gathering begin? Sometime July 2018, Wong Meng
Cheong asked Tan Peng Chin, Iqbal Jumabhoy, Tan See Nin
if they could identify the pixie-faced boys in the four ACJS Primary
One photos, circulated on WhatsApp. Undoubtedly, Jeffrey
Seah’s graphic tagging of names to faces in the photographs
made our history! Many responded to the queries, and there were
some astonishing champion identifiers amongst us, including
Eng Poh Tzan, Heeren Chatterji, and Kevin Boon in Canada.
The WhatsApp group grew to 86 members.
A gathering was mooted, an Organising Committee of 13 formed,
driven by Meng Cheong, nicknamed Chief Bangla. Tan Gee Shan
was Treasurer. We also plan a second Reunion event, further
out in the calendar,for our overseas friends to make it back : 24
November 2019.
And so, on the Ides of March, we gathered. The mists of time
lifted, and 55 years older, we ate, drank, watched the wondrous
video loop which Jeffrey Seah went beyond the bounds of duty
to prepare, caught up and of course, once more with feeling,
sang our ACS Anthem.
The Rev Leslie Quahe said grace, remembering our departed
brothers — ten no longer with us, but not forgotten. Meng
Cheong recognised a venerable list of us in public service. But for
many of us, we were happy to recognise in our great ACJS Class
of 1964, two admirable boys who embodied incontrovertibly
our emblems of grand endeavour, both of whom coincidentally
carry the initials TS.
Wong Ting Sern, aka Polar Bear, Mountaineer, has scaled
many of the world’s tallest peaks, including being Base Camp
doctor for the Singapore Everest Expedition. A Nat Geo-quality
photographer, audio recording maestro, and working at IBM as
an Expert grade technical specialist — the only Expert Grade
in Singapore, Ting Sern is all these despite cerebral palsy since
six months old.
The other TS, Tharman Shanmugaratnam is our Deputy Prime
Minister. His achievements and stature make us proud. More
so, to see that he was happy to be just another schoolmate, no
more and certainly no less.
Well done, boys!
Chew Kheng Chuan

From overseas
Left to right:
Dr Lindsay Tan (US), Dr Daniel Tan (US), High
Commissioner Bernard Baker (NZ), Peter Loo Seng
Fong (Australia), Ivan Chow (US), Mike Loo Chee
Foong (Canada), Bemas Gerald Chan (Thailand, Tan
Kong Khoon (Malaysia), Rev. Leslie Quahe
(Thailand) & Mok Chee Paan (Malaysia). |

Front L-R:
Tan Peng Chin, Chew Kheng Chuan, Mahmood
Jumabhoy, Dr Wong Meng Cheong, Ng Tchi Mun.
Back L-R:
Heeren Chatterji, Tan Gee Shan, Leonard Tan
Eng Hong, Jeffrey Seah, Iqbal Jumabhoy & Low
Yang Tong.
Eng Poh Tzan, Raymond Gwee |

In current
and past public service
Justice Andrew Phang, DMS Dr Benjamin Ong, DPM
Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Tan See Nin,
Yeoh Lam Keong.
Dr Tan Seck Guan, HC Bernard Baker |

Seated L-R:
Eddie Lim Kah Soon, Ho Sim Moh,
Lawrence Lim, Hoe Boon Choon, Low Kee Yang &
Ronald Sathianathan.
Standing L-R:
Lionel Seah,
Ong Lek Hwee & Loke Beng Fong. |