The Class of 53's Diamond Jubilee |
‘Tis certainly remarkable that forty-two school mates from the ACS Class of 53 could come together with a true spirit of camaraderie to celebrate this memorable occasion. Held on 22 February at the Qian Xi Restaurant of the Civil Service Club in Tessonsohn Road, they came strolling in bearing in mind the ACS motto “The Best is Yet to Be” to once again meet their beloved classmates.
The Organising Committee headed by Chen Hung and supported by
Kho Kwang Mui, Ang Eng Ann,
Charles Eu, Yeo Chin Aik and
Arnold Tan Chin Hean put up a tremendous effort to ensure that this memorable occasion would linger in their minds in the years to come.
Present at that evening were former English Literature teacher
Mr Tan Boon Chiang (retired President of the Arbitration Court, Singapore),
Chiam See Tong (ex-MP Potong Pasir) and his wife
Lina Chiam (NCMP for Potong Pasir). Immediately after Mr Tan said Grace, dinner started with the traditional Lo-Hei, then followed by singing of the ACS Anthem.
In the midst of dinner, there was a presentation of the days gone by narrated off the cuff by Arnold Tan. Many were astounded and taken aback by how different they looked in the old photographs. Stress, worries and problems have indeed taken their toil since then with the evidence of hair loss. Happy as they appeared to be, some were invited up on stage for a Karaoke session.
Mark Yun (Hon Chong Hai), once runner-up in Radio Singapore Talent Time contest, rendered Frank Sinatra’s “I Got You Under My Skin”.
Yap Teck Chye, now a citizen of Australia and living in Melbourne, sang his own version of “My Way” which would have made the songwriter turn in his grave. The artist who stole the show was none other than our
Chen Hung, who sang in Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien in an absolutely “correct pitch”.
As the clock struck ten, like all good things, dinner came to an end. Our Guest-of-Honour took his leave after graciously going from table to table to meet and see that his former students were behaving well. His official chauffeur, Kho Kwang Mui, took him home. As for the rest of us, our Golden and Diamond Jubilees have come and gone! Dedicated and determined, we plan with God’s blessings, to have the opportunity to meet again in a not too distant future.
Arnold Tan PB, LRSM (UK)
School Pianist for Chapel 1953
teacher Mr Tan Boon Chiang
with Arnold Tan Chin Hean |
(from left to right)
Yeo Chin Aik, Arnold Tan Chin
Hean, Chen Hung (Chairman), Charles Eu,
Ang Eng Ann (Treasurer) & Kho Kwang Mui |