Reunions are awkward.
Eagerly anticipated, apprehension creeps in as the day looms. For most,
this would be our first meeting since Pr-University days, a lapse of 30
47 year olds, the
Class of ’74
reunited at the
Day Dinner
held in The Shangri-La on March 1st 2004.
Numbers were great comfort as the Island Ballroom foyer quickly filled
with raucous ACS nostalgia. Seventy of us huddled in scattered groups:
shaking hands, glancing up at familiar voices, keenly scanning the plush
surrounds for old friends, past beaus, former foes. Panic attacks and
whispered reminders of names forgotten punctuated excited conversations.
Inside, blue and gold balloons danced suspended above the seats of tables
71-78 (courtesy of
Mei Po, Noreen, Adina and Aleck). Old class
photos from the school magazine and name lists, strategically displayed,
jolted faded memories. Loud and riotous camaraderie, electronic camera
flashes, people migrating from table to table and a rousing rendition of
the school song—the ballroom pulsed and resonated with ACS.

The Arts Class

The Science Class
It was a party
within a party.
Somber black, glitter, translucence bedecked the diners. In sync, our
Science guys donned jackets, but our Arts guys had none. Our ladies,
resplendent, had the boys quite out done. A band entertained; we chatted
of past exploits. Long service was awarded; we recounted schoolboy tales
with our ‘old’ teachers —
Ms. Maureen Lim, Ms Sim, Mrs. Lee Gek Kim, Mr.
Wan, Ms Ong, Mr. Wee Kim Cheng.
A common thread held us together; no discord ever
could sever.
Laughing, walking, talking and gawking, we spanned the distance of 30
years. This was a page in the present, that had been written…. sometime in
the past.
Sure, reunions are awkward, but only at the start. And, with a renewed
familiarity, we were quite loath to part. May God grant us good health,
good times and good spirits, till next we meet again.
thousand thanks to our indomitable organizers
Patricia Ng and
the class representatives, our ever-faithful photographer
Tan Kee Wee,
friends who came from abroad and all who came to make the evening such a
Interested in joining us next year?
E-mail to Patricia Ng
( or Jean Lee