Happy New Year!
Just the other day, I was asked a
question: “What does ACS mean to
you?” Surprisingly, the answer that
flashed in my mind was simply the
word “life”. Reflecting, I am probably
not alone among ACSians in feeling
that the 12 years that I spent in
ACS had become so integral in my
physical and mental experiences
that it defined my existence, and the
person I have become.
This year marks the 40th anniversary
of the year my cohort (Class of ’79)
completed our “O” levels. Some of
us went on to ACJC to complete 12
years of education in ACS, in the
process “earning” the title of “true
blue ACSians”. Looking back, the
40 years seem to have flown by,
with most of us preoccupied with
national service, studies, marriage,
kids, careers, and for some of us
now, retirement and grandchildren.
Yet, the bonds that formed more than
40 years ago remain as intense and
keep us standing together for the
cause of ACS.
In the OBA, we will this year embark
on the final phase of our transition
to enable OBA to keep up with the
times and enhance OBA’s relevance
to ACSians of all ages from all ACS
schools. We will create spaces
for ACSians to interact, converse
and dialogue. We will form, facilitate
and manage networks, platforms and
harness the use of technology to help
ACS communities thrive and flourish,
both in the physical and virtual worlds.
We will intensify our efforts to involve
young ACSians, to create an OBA
which serves the diverse needs of our
energetic and youthful ACSians who will
lead the charge in the age to come.
If we are successful in our efforts,
perhaps 40 years from now, the current
new generation of ACSians will when
asked the question: “What does ACS
mean to you?”, find in their hearts the
same answer that have defined the
ACSians of yore.
To God be the Glory!
The Best Is Yet to Be!
Lim Tat
Dialogue and interaction with younger
ACSians |