On Friday, November 8th 2013, the ACS
Board of Governors hosted a Thanksgiving
Dinner at the Jewel Box on top of Mount
Faber. It was a time of reflection of the year
past, as well as an opportunity to thank
outgoing members and principals for their
service and dedication to the ACS family.
Kelvyna Chan and Richard Lim, principals
of ACJC and ACS (Primary), were presented
with special photo books chronicling their
time at their respective schools, much
to their surprise and delight!
It was a
memorable evening that also served to
welcome the new principals of the ACS
family; Rob Burrough of ACS (International)
who joined in July 2013, Beatrice Chong
and Arene Koh who both started their new
roles on Dec 16th 2013.
As the ACS family enters a new phase of
leadership, The Best Is Yet To Be!