Surprise 90th Birthday Party
for Mr.
Goh Chin Chye!

It was indeed a grand
reception Mr. Goh Chin Chye did not expect when he entered the
ACS Barker Road Music Room on the afternoon of 11 December 2009.
Gathered in the room were some 75 persons representing ACSians
from 1954 through to 1976, teachers, scouts from the 9th Dolphin
Troop, friends and family members to surprise him and to
celebrate with him his 90th birthday.
When the visibly
overwhelmed Mr. Goh saw the crowd belting away the rousing
strains of the ACS Anthem to welcome him, he was inspired to
sing along.
Then came the long queue of well-wishers with
handshakes and gifts which included a new specie of orchid named
“Phalaenopsis Goh Chin Chye” from orchid specialist Mr. Robert
Ang who specially created and named it in honour of Mr. Goh.
Mr. Goh’s career in
ACS spanned 38 years from 1946 to 1984. His former students
remember him fondly as an innovative teacher, a strict but
compassionate disciplinarian, and a scout master. He was also a
dedicated sports master and the inspiring basketball coach who
spurred the ACS basketball team on to end the Chinese schools’
domination of the game in the fifties.
Rosalind Tay
(1968-1969) contributed an enormous chocolate birthday cake
which Mr. Goh cut in the company of the ever gentle Mrs. Goh and
members of his family. As the guests mingled around and feasted
on the delicious buffet spread, many also queued up to have
their photographs taken with their former teacher.
Mr. Goh then took the
floor and expressed his heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to
those present for coming to share his 90th birthday with him.
His words were emotional and his voice belied his age. He
recalled that the school in its present form was completed the
year he retired. He saw that ACS had come a long way and was
confident that the school will continue to grow and improve.
For those who were
there that afternoon, it was difficult not to feel a sense of
pride and a tinge of nostalgia to see an old friend from a
common environment.
Cheong Kun Hung
(Class of 60)