1960 - 2016
Vice Principal: ACS
2007 - 2016
![In Memoriam - Ms Kathleen Manley](Kathleen-Manley.jpg) |
Ms Kathleen Manley passed away on
11 July 2016 after a four-year battle with
cancer. Her initial prognosis was that
she would have one year to live once
the cancer was diagnosed, but through
determination, perseverance, strong
medical support and her unwavering
faith she continued to work full time in
her demanding role as Vice Principal
Academic for four years until just before
she died.
Ms Manley devoted her whole life to
education. She readily explained to
people that she had had a dysfunctional
family upbringing but was saved by
three factors – a loving grandmother who
ultimately brought her up, a strong Christian faith, and the
advantage of a good education which gave her purpose and
direction in her adult life. Her mission became to convey to
others the power of education.
Kathleen Manley gained a double honours degree in French
Language and English Literature from Leeds University followed
by a 32 year career in teaching. She taught English and
French in England, France and Switzerland rising to Head of
Department before a four-year career as Head of Languages at
Bangkok, Patana. This enriching experience stimulated a love
of Thai food and the Thai language – of which she became
very proficient. Following her time at Patana she spent a year
working for the church in Thailand before time back in the UK
as an Advanced Skills Teacher. She was appointed to ACS
(International) as Vice Principal in 2008, and eight years later
still marvelled at being selected and appointed by the highly
regarded principal, Rev Dr John Barrett.
Ms Manley quickly made her mark at school with her
high energy levels, clear educational philosophy and
strong, forthright manner. She raised standards and led the
improvement in examination results. A prodigious writer of
emails, staff would often receive emails well into the early
hours of the morning. She devoted every hour she could to
the school. She enjoyed music, service and other co-curricular
activities, supporting school events as often as she could. She
was also asked by the Board to be Acting Principal for a term
after the departure of Mr Kerr Fulton-Pebbles and before the
arrival of Mr Rob Burrough. No doubt she would have gone
on to be a principal in her own right had she not developed
ovarian cancer.
Ms Manley’s strong personal faith despite her upbringing and
her cancer was an inspiration to many. She had full assurance
that her heavenly Father was looking after her. It is little wonder
that she chose the passage from Proverbs 3: 5 as a theme
verse to be read at her funeral - “Trust in the Lord with all your
heart and lean not on your own understanding”.
Ms Kathleen Manley has impacted the lives of many students
during her 32 years in education, none more so than those
at ACS (International). The school has received many tributes
from former and current students, each
stating how Ms Manley has influenced
their lives through her words, her actions
and her role modelling of courage and
perseverance in the face of adversity. She
has certainly left her mark and is worthy of
the epithet ‘well done, good and faithful
servant’. Rest in peace.
Former Principal (2010-2013) Mr P. Kerr
Fulton-Peebles paid tribute to Kathleen’s
dedication and unique qualities that have
left her imprint on the lives of so many
of the community that makes up ACS
(International). In his eulogy, he said:
Kathleen, the school was her life and
work, and she gave her heart and soul
to it, working prodigiously for the benefit of its students and
staff. Her wide experience in education across the world gave
her a sensitivity to, and awareness of, the impact of different
cultures on the whole process of education, so important in the
multi-national environment of ACS (International). Yet this did
not sway her from pursuing, in a measured way, her goals
to allow the whole community to be the best of which it was
capable, and she applied herself completely to this task.
Although always busy she never lost sight of the key people
in all of this, namely the students: I know how much she loved
working and being involved with them, whenever possible. In
this we shared common ground, as we also did on recognising
the importance of a broad, balanced education which
looked at the whole person; her passion for the International
Baccalaureate also mirrored my own”.
Founding Principal Rev Dr John Barrett remembers Kathleen as a
hard working person who brought in the skills and experience
that were needed when the school was at a crucial stage of
growth and development. He describes Kathleen as a very
able linguist, with a good understanding of how any language
should be taught including English, and most importantly, she
shared the Christian values of the school.
“And she loved this school. I think pupils would be surprised how
well she knew them and
cared for them and how
much she was prepared
to put herself out for
them. So now she is at
peace. I thank God for
her, for her friendship,
her commitment and her
kindness, and we can
have confidence that she
is held in God’s eternal
and loving care.” Rev Dr
Barrett said.
Mr Rob Burrough
ACS (International)